Monday, February 18, 2008

The Quest for Ella's Boots

Sophie's friend Ella left this morning after a week with us. Yesterday was spent in a whirl of boot-shopping for Ella. We started at the Rome flea market, which grew out of the black market during WWII and is reputed to be the best flea market in Europe. If you've never been, it's quite a scene.

We found lots of hats. . .

. . . and neon-colored bras. . .. . .but no boots.

Maureen and Sophie and Ella then scoured the area around Trastevere and the Campo di Fiore but, since it was Sunday, many shops were closed. After the footsore and dejected shoppers returned home, I went on one more foray with Sophie and Ella to the used clothing shops near the Piazza Navona where, lo and behold, we found boots:

So Ella left this morning happy (though, of course, sad to be leaving) and well-shod.


Anonymous said...

Hi,i am from another country,far from yours.The market that you went to,it sells a lot of unique stuff.I wonder if they sell boots for men too?

Anonymous said...

Glad Ella got boots, I was sooo worried that she would go home with bare feet! Not much knew here. Sophie, we watched " To Catch a Mocking Bird" last night. Betsy had never seen it. Snowing here again. More later Love to 1 & all, even the traveling Ella, Papa/Dad